While reading this post, I heard "Yes!" in my mind many times. Thank you, Matt. It truly speaks to me, especially the call to value meaning over metrics. In my publication, I’ve embraced using an avatar and keeping my personal life private, going against the trend of oversharing online. This choice reflects my belief that meaningful work comes from intention and authenticity, not exposure. Thank you for encouraging creators to trust in their unique paths and focus on what truly matters.

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Absolutely Selene! I always think there's a beautiful balance between a private life and being publicly of service. The parts that need to remain private belong to us... the parts that serve the world will be public. Keep doing what you're doing!

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This resonates so much with my philosophy in creating and the goal of my newsletter 🥺 Thank you so much for articulating this message so beautifully, Matt! 🙏🏻💖

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Thank you right back Alea! I'm so grateful it resonates!

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Omg, this was divine. The timing, the potency, the the the...you, being you. I will subscribe, my seed has germinated and I'm wildly looking forward to this new journey above ground.

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Kass!! I know you'd get this! So glad the timing was there too!

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