Fucking finally, someone's got the balls to say it.

The algorithm doesn't give a shit about your "passion project" or your "authentic voice."

It's a soulless machine designed to keep eyeballs glued to screens.

You know what's worth more than a million views?

One person actually giving a damn about what you create.

Your value isn't measured in clicks or follows.

It's measured in the impact you make, the conversations you start, the minds you change.

So love your work more than the algorithm?

Fuck yeah.

But more importantly, respect yourself enough to create without needing constant validation from the digital void.

The real question is: Are you brave enough to create in silence? To pour your soul into something without the instant gratification of likes and shares?

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Amen my brother! I often share this notion with my community on IG especially because of your exact point... "But more importantly, respect yourself enough to create without needing constant validation from the digital void."

Thank you for reading this and sharing your thoughts!

Honestly, the realest thing we can do is trust what wants to come through us and let it find the people it's meant to, even if that first person is just us.

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Everything in this post was super valuable, thank you! I love that cleaning your house is a ritual. Cleaning is one thing I really struggle with (two kids under 3 mean it’s a mess again in about 3 minutes) but I love the idea of being really intentional about it and making it a ritual ✨

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Ahhh thank you for reading and I’m glad you found it helpful… completely agree about the rituals… it’s makes it more about creating a life than just simply existing

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Love this post so much Matt! My idea on rituals vs routine is that rituals are routines done with heart + soul✨✨✨

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Yesss Rox! Rituals become a way of living... When we hear "routine" I think people make it a chore... but when they understand it's a way of life via a ritual, they begin to create from their heart and soul

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