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Why do we hesitate?
Google it and this is what you find…
Fear of making the wrong decision is one of the reasons that many people hesitate when faced with a choice. You may be afraid of failure or even the consequences of success. You may worry what other people will think about you. Perfectionism may be getting in your way. (Healthline)
While I certainly agree that people fear making the wrong decision for a multitude of reasons, I think it goes much deeper…
In a recent podcast I just launched, How to Move Out of Hesitancy & Into Urgency (Apple, Spotify), I noted 5 other possible reasons that encapsulate much of what I believe causes people to delay as a whole…
Fear of uncertainty.
You don’t know enough and you wish you knew more. Do I have everything I need to know before I make my decisions?
Not trusting your intuition.
You know what you know at a very core, fundamentally deep rooted level, but you struggle to trust it. What is fear and what is gut?
Overwhelm from a grand vision.
You feel the weight of all that is needed to achieve your purpose, passion or vision, and you just don’t know how it will all come together. How will I ever be able to do all of this?
Not knowing what steps to take.
You simply just don’t know what to do next. With so many steps to the bigger picture, where do you begin?
What if it doesn’t work out?
You worry that it’ll “fail” and it will all be for nothing. What will happen if I’m wrong and will I have to start over?
Do any of the above sound familiar?
Now, how do we move those thoughts, feelings and emotions into urgency?
Here are a few to start:
What is the fastest way to reduce uncertainty? Ask questions, seek answers, find people doing things you’re interested in, read, and most importantly, simply start without any expectations since you don’t know anything yet.
How can you trust what is your intuition and what is just fear? Test. If more information is needed, revert to number one until you’re able to confirm what you knew all along. This will give you practice and practice will help you reduce the amount of time it takes to trust your instincts.
What is the easiest way to take on a grand vision? Reverse engineer and build in public at a rate of 1% per day. Your audience will become your accountability, your accountability will become your daily steps, your daily steps will become your process, your process will become your life.
What’s the first step? What’s the 1,000th one? Here’s a hint, there’s no wrong answer in movement. We only know what to do next by the decision we make right now. Make a decision based on where you’re at and move from there.
What if it’s ALWAYS working out in your favor? Whether you keep going with your vision, or it drastically takes a turn for a do-over, the culmination of your experience is actually developing the grand vision regardless of delays, detours or pivots.
In short, there’s a very fine line between hesitancy and urgency… hesitancy is your fear manifesting an outcome that hasn’t happened, while urgency is your intuition manifesting an outcome it already knows.
Read this week’s Simplify, Multiply, Diversify below…👇🏼
In life, ask yourself… what is the cost of not listening to your intuition?
If you take a look at your outcomes that went against your intuition versus the ones you trusted, you have enough data to predict your future.
Time stays long enough for anyone who will use it. (Leonardo Da Vinci)
Hesitancy shortens your life. Urgency expands it.
The first step: Don’t be anxious. Nature controls it all.
The second step: Concentrate on what you have to do. Fix your eyes on it. Remind yourself that your task is to be a good human being; remind yourself what nature demands of people. Then do it, without hesitation, and speak the truth as you see it. But with kindness. With humility. Without hypocrisy.
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The part that spoke to me most was what you wrote about overwhelm from a grand vision. I haven’t been able to put my finger on why the lack of urgency, but this makes total sense.
Thanks for the tips in your easiest way to take a grand vision on segment. Just reading it made me feel more confident in my ability to pull this all off.
I appreciate you!!!