Not Ready? Do It Anyway.
The only way to be an imposter is by denying yourself the action your soul wants to take
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No one’s ever really ready… not a 100% at least.
In a recent Instagram post I did, I touched upon why the only way a person might be an imposter, is by NOT doing something that’s calling them.
And I think what happens is the tug of war inside one’s head that says… “this feels 100% right and I want to do this now,” followed by, “but how? I don’t even know where to start, how I’m going to market it, who’s going to see it…” and on and on.
Am I close? Have you experienced this? Please let me know in the comments, but for now, let’s go a little deeper.
The fact is, “not being ready” is a part of life, creation and the pursuit of self. We’re often made to stick to “comfort zones” because our childhoods, educational system and society often provided tools “everyone” should use to stay safe, not taking into consideration that every soul has its own unique path.
The tools should be complimentary for expanding one’s discovery… not keeping them where they are, afraid to explore the unknown and from having a relationship with uncertainty.
“Not being ready” is an attack on your intuition and a blocker of your destiny.
When we lean into our knowing… often at times without our understanding of the bigger picture, we end up creating ten times what we thought was possible. In part because we didn’t give our minds time to talk us out of it, and in part because the sheer act of moving (building, creating, doing something) forces us into action, which forces us into figuring it out.
Do it long enough, and you’ll wake up right in the middle of your purpose, dreams and even your life…
Read this week’s Simplify, Multiply, Diversify below…👇🏼
Build once, sell twice.
As I mentioned above, taking action is definitely a big step, but as you move, always be thinking about the process of how the products and services you build, also work for you beyond the initial creation of it.
I want to make it very clear why I’m bringing this up… I want you to NOT be scared to start, but once you do begin, I want you to work through the process of what you build with the intention of having an ongoing relationship with time.
I don’t want you be a slave to the things you build, but become free from building them.
Build in efficiency, automation of administrative tasks and leverage of technology without the decrease in personalization and you’ll find yourself less stressed, less overwhelmed and more connected to your purpose and the people you serve.
One of the first times I had heard this phrase, Build Once Sell Twice, it came from Jack Butcher, CEO & Founder of Visualize Value. Here are the main talking points of the article, but I highly suggest you click the link below to read more…
Highlights from his article:
Break the “time barrier” so you can accomplish more in less time and without additional labor.
Narrow your focus dramatically. Get hyper-specific about the problem you solve.
Build your audience and create reputable equity.
Make contact with the market everyday.
Drive up your value.
Seek out and convert clients and customers automatically.
Educate and qualify clients (Note - this saves both of your time and is highly respectful).
Drive customers to a tier (or suite) of products and services that meet several budgets and phases of their needs.
Products that can help others for a fraction of the cost, yet be automated to appeal to their learning styles and within their own time while contributing immense value without giving up any of your additional time is a win-win for all.
For the full article, click HERE
Hustle? No… Align
We’re often plagued by the hype reels of social media showcasing how awesome everyone is doing, as well as ALL of the amazing things they are doing, while driving up anxiety and overwhelm of not doing enough.
First, they’re hype reels for a reason. I’ve been on the Internet for more than 20 years and have been contacted by countless “influencers”… I can tell you that they’re not as streamlined, organized or even cash flow positive as they may seem.
Second, in the article I mentioned above, the concept of narrowing your focus while building out your ecosystem and equitable reputation, will have you living a whole different life.
Third, let’s just deal with the hype reels right now. You’re not here for attention, proving yourself, validating yourself and getting permission from society that you’ve arrived because you’re finally making millions of dollars off the back of 10 million brands you’ve created…
…that’s not sustainable, healthy or even fun after awhile. You’re here to figure out yourself… to align with your purpose and be smart with your time all while contributing value to the greater good of mankind. Hustle? No. Align and work from there.
Clarity is what drives direction and greatness, not chaos.
Where there’s resistance, there’s actually a blessing.
If you’ve come this far in this week’s letter, then you inevitably read the intro where I talk about not being ready and doing it anyway.
An additional perspective for you on this topic is that often the resistance is there because the opportunity is also there.
Resistance happens because we don’t know enough information about something, but our gut instincts are guiding us anyways. This is why having a relationship with “uncertainty” is vital.
Get in the habit of using “resistance” as an identifier to knowing what to do next and where to lean in. The message… and the blessings… are in the resistance should you choose to do it anyway.
Blessings require a two way relationship between the universe and the individual receiving them. You must be willing to meet in the middle to make it all happen.
*Note: If you enjoyed this letter, please like and comment below! As always, it’s about community and I want to hear from you.
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On point! Thank you for this brother!
Awesome, as usual! (I especially loved the diversity segment this week.)