Matt, you are an absolute genius. This letter is speaking my hearts language!! Firstly repetition is my jam. Once I commit to something I am wholeheartedly in for as long as it is in alignment with my soul. For instance, my sound healing events! In June of 2020 I committed to hosting monthly events and that is exactly what I have done, without fail. And in turn I am creating a community, I’m creating a space where people KNOW they can show up authentically and leave feeling connected & peaceful. I’m repeating & repeating and somehow it’s still a different experience each time. My work is so beautiful in that way.

It has been such a learning & growth process of figuring it out as I go! From going to my clients homes & renting spaces out to now having my own studio space has been such a beautiful evolution.

This letter has inspired me to ask myself….how can I serve on an even bigger scale? 🤔 I know it’s something I can do, not going to lie I am intimidated as fuck by anything digital!! 👵🏼👵🏼👵🏼 Which is why I signed up for your next workshop. 💚🙏🏼 😆

Thank you for sharing your wisdom Matt!!

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And looking forward to having you on the next workshop!

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Thank you Monique! They say wealth is created in the consistency and repetition and they don't just mean financial wealth ;)

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I’m here for it all, in the most divine timing & for the good of all. It’s a long game & I’m fully invested.

Our souls know, right!! 💚😊

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