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If You Have Ideas, Write… If You Have Taste, Design… If You Have Vision, Build
“Should I be doing something else?”
You know it when it hits you…
For some, this question comes every time something shows up that you really want to do in your life, but aren’t yet.
For others, this question shows up when the burnout of doing everything else but the thing you feel in your gut you should be doing.
And if you’re anything like me… you learn the hard way from avoiding the “thing” that is so simple and aligned with exactly what you want to be doing…
you do something else in order to tell yourself that you’re a responsible {fill in the title here}.
In a recent read thru of The Artist’s Way: A Spiritual Path to Higher Creativity by Julia Cameron, the topic of a shadow artist came up.
What is a shadow artist?
Any of us who are drawn to something very specifically throughout our lives, but instead of actively pursuing it (the “thing”), may take comfort in shadow careers (jobs that are adjacent in some way).
a writer and would be novelist who, instead, writes ads for marketing campaigns
an architect and would be home designer who, instead, works for the city building parking lots.
or as another option… we heavily support others doing the very thing that we want to be doing… offering our talents, expertise and gifts to ensure they win while forgetting ourselves in the process
And yes, I’ve experienced both.
Before I started writing on the Internet 10 years ago, I…
wrote business plans for startup ventures
created copy for ads and websites for brands (big and small)
proofread contracts and legal documents for editing purposes
assisted friends’ essays for getting into law school and medical school
even did the copy for emails of my fellow MBA classmates to ensure their emails would be opened from potential job prospects… (I had about an 80% open rate).
I did everything but write my own work… so the first realization here is that I was a “shadow writer.”
My second major realization as a “shadow artist” came from my 25+ year digital career…
I grew up with the Internet and parlayed it into a lifelong career.
I knew the Internet was going to be massive and I co-founded my first tech startup at 23 long before “no-code” apps and AI were available to create new platforms or websites in minutes.
My first startup cost me a lot of time, energy and money… but gave me an unofficial advanced degree in computer science, technology, business and law. (unofficially)
To sustain myself during this time, I worked in Real Estate, often applying my web skills to generate leads… which led me to consulting others in various businesses.
For the next 7 years (2007-2014) I was either helping others with their digital needs or getting an International MBA to get me in the door of major brands… I did, and while I received great experience… something still felt off.
From 2014 to 2022, my work on the Internet advanced greatly, but I still consulted with more brands and even turned my consultancy into a boutique digital agency focusing on automation and systems.
Yet again, I was faced with burnout, overwhelm and the feeling like something was missing.
And then it hit me… should I be doing something else? The answer is a resounding YES!
First, let me iterate that I liked the work I was doing, but I wasn’t necessarily doing it for me as well… and that made all the difference.
Maybe… my skillsets (what I do for others) and my natural gifts (my writing, designing, building & speaking) should be wrapped up into my purpose and mission…
And that’s exactly what I did… while still keeping a handful of purpose-driven clients that really align with my soul… (you all know who you are)…
Today, I manage a portfolio of businesses that align with my art, my talents, my values, my life and my vision… most importantly… MY MISSION
writing, designing & speaking are at the forefront… and I’ve intertwined them into their own eco-system that includes brands and businesses in…
Writing & Publishing
Podcasting, Media & Speaking
Online Education & Community
Private clients with purpose driven brands
1:1 Coaching
Consulting — Creative Direction & Growth Marketing
QUESTIONS (to consider)
Are you a shadow artist or have a shadow career?
What do you really want to do?
What are some things you do that are adjacent to what you really want to do?
Where do you feel unfulfilled?
What could you truly see yourself going all in on?
A few key learnings and takeaways…
Over the past 2 years I’ve realized a lot about further surrendering to your calling… here are just a few:
Own your path and your “thing” — Sometimes we struggle to say the “thing” that we really are... in my case, the “writer,” because we think the world will look at us through our own made up narrative. The reality is, when you say the thing that you really are, and you know are cause you’re really connected to it, others feel it too and you’ll be met with more enthusiasm than judgment.
Make yourself the client first… everyone else will benefit — Are you providing a service to others that you should be doing for yourself? A vital move I made was marrying my skillsets and gifts with my passions and purpose. I’m a growth marketer & brander by trade so utilizing that for my writing and purpose helped me 100x my own work… the more I use my tech skills and marketing stack on me, the more I’m able to help others do the same… and most importantly, get the message I want to share out to the world.
What’s easy for you is not easy for others — You may be overlooking something that you’re naturally good at, you enjoy doing over and over again, and yet you struggle to think there’s a career in it or the ability to make money from it. I get you, but in the Internet Age you can now rewrite those rules. What’s “easy” for you, is not necessarily for others and they will consume your value in a multitude of ways.
The real business is you — There isn’t a marketing plan, growth hack or algorithm trend that can compete with the value you’re capable of delivering simply from being innately curious and devoted to your primary areas of interest. Others will consume what you offer (free or paid) simply because you’ve demonstrated it’s value on you first. This is why #2 — making yourself the client or customer first is so important. Your work will speak (sell) for itself, you just need to share it.
You need to build yourself leverage — This one I’ve known for years, but I finally took time to do it more for myself — I can’t stress this enough… in the digital age, building your own leverage is no longer optional—it’s essential. With product and media leverage being permissionless, you can create value, scale your influence, and earn without trading time for money. The internet has democratized opportunity, and those who learn to harness it will unlock true freedom and abundance (If you need help, I have frameworks, how-to’s, software recommendations and templates for doing this — you can check it out here)
There are many ways to earn money, don’t pick any that are out of alignment — Don’t worry that you won’t be able to earn an income from a less traditional path. The fact of the matter is, it’s less crowded, there are more ways to earn than traditional business models and what you’re great at has a market for it. If money is being offered but it pulls you out of integrity, purpose or direction, it’s not worth it. Part of the reason the “old business paradigm” is having a hard time is because a lot of people placed money over integrity… in this new digital / business paradigm, integrity is why people are earning more. Big difference.
Publish your work as often as possible — the way people know about you is because you’re willing to put your work out there, share your thoughts and processes and consistently provide value in the areas that are of most importance to you day in and day out. It’s not just a personal brand you’re building… it’s a personal mission. The world will respond in kind via their support, their time, their attention, their money and their energy…
You’ll realize you were right all along — that inkling of an idea of who you were all those years ago… yeah, you were right. Before the external world tried to sway you into countless paths for “stability & security,” you had a “knowing” of your unique interests, passions and gifts. We sometimes downplay them to fit in to society, when we’re meant to expand and multiply with God. If you think you “should be doing something else,” there’s a good chance you’re returning to your original plan(s).
Be careful of “old you” convincing “new you” to go back or be distracted — when you’ve made the shift in energy to provide yourself the time, energy and resources (your gifts and talents), opportunities for what you “used to do” will also pop up… tread carefully so it doesn’t derail you from the mission of you. It’s okay if you embark on some of it for assisting your new journey (i.e. consulting gigs, quick projects, etc), but make sure not to derail from your mission. There are many reasons this happens, and for me, one of them is because when I perform my skills on my work and have grown MASSIVELY online, others want me to do the same for them… think about all the time it takes for you. Again, just tread carefully.
QUESTIONS (to consider)
Do you have boundaries put in place for your new direction?
What will you be willing to give attention to and what won’t you?
What will you let yourself be truly known for that you’ve been holding back on?
If you could have a portfolio of businesses that align with you what would they be?
It’s okay to question your path and want to do something else.
Don’t let society convince you that you’re being “unstable” and “distracted” for questioning your career path and wanting to explore other options.
We have new opportunities, new markets, new ways of reaching more people and new tools that didn’t previously exist or challenge the old paradigm of business or careers.
It’s also why people who’ve chosen what they were told were “safe” routes are sometimes not open to understanding these new paths.
I will leave you with this…
there’s both freedom and great responsibility / discipline in choosing yourself.
You can forge any path that allows you to stay connected to your soul and purpose… that allows you to earn a great living… that allows you to redefine success…
but you must also treat that with respect, patience, boundaries, love, integrity, humility and grace.
If you have to ask, “Should I be doing something else?” — there’s a great possibility you should… even if it’s a newer way of doing something you already are.
Go create!
Have a great week!
🧠 Whenever you’re ready, here are 2 ways I can help you:
1. → Reverse Engineer Your Life - (Join 6,800+) - Free Workshops (including downloadable templates & frameworks) to bring more clarity, streamline your vision, audit your time and create more predictable outcomes/results.
2. → Write, Design, Build - Content Creator Studio & Operating System to scale your creativity & reach without the burnout… this is not only how I organize my creativity, ideas & writing, but how I launch over 120+ pieces of “shareable” content per week in under 2 hours & grow my audience to reach 10M+ per month.
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