Great post. I love this framing!

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Thank you Nina!🙏🏼

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This is a great post — I’m validating you! Ha ha! 😊. Seriously though, I’ve been slowly realizing over the last few years that everything I was doing had some element of wanting to be validated or accepted. I was raised on conditional acceptance and learned to look outside of myself to find safety (so I wouldn’t get scolded). It really takes a toll living for validation…I’ve been in the process of rewiring all that! Your post helps reinforce a new mindset. Thank you!

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Amazing Beth! And believe me, we were all raised in a society that promoted validation everywhere we looked... so it's not surprising we're now moving into a rewired place of doing things from our soul.

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So true & well said!

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I definitely get caught in the validation trap. This blog is so timely because I’m about to return to Instagram after a long time away. I want to go back, but last night I was feeling so stressed about it, worrying about specific posts and colors and layouts, and suddenly I realized these worries existed because of deep fears that I wouldn’t be validated. That I’d be ignored. This post was so helpful in reconnecting me back to that spirit of service, focusing my on message and providing value to those I’m here to serve. Such incredible mindset shifts! Thank you!

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Hi Suzanne! I totally get you! I've been active on Instagram for many years and something I always tell my community is to not look at it as "social media" but a platform for "mission building" -- A place to bring your work and art to the forefront while being of service to the people who need what you offer. It completely takes the pressure off and makes it be more about your life's work, which is you. lol

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this felt like freedom. thank you. <3

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Thank you Bianca! It is!! For all of us!

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