Feb 12, 2023Liked by Matt Gottesman

Much like letty I don’t even know where to start on this one. My comment might be TLDR 😂💯🤷🏻‍♀️ Forewarned.

I really see myself in this weeks letter Matt! Immediately upon reading “You were always meant to fulfill a higher calling built from a deeper intrinsic knowing even if you have found yourself unsure at times.” I saw my lost, little 17 year old self completely unsure, a senior in high school, ditching class in the library to read 🤓 where I stubbled upon the massage therapy school recruiter. I thought “hey, I enjoy that. I’ll go there” I see now that I was so deeply & divinely guided in that moment. Thank you God. 💚🙏🏼

But I was in a subconscious, survival autopilot. Where I immediately went to work at a corporate massage envy where we were grossly underpaid & overworked. But because of my conditioning, limited belief systems & having been raised in poverty I just agreed & accepted all of this. It was certainly better than anything that came before.

But wouldn’t ya know it, when I started healing, releasing, reframing & loving myself I found myself no longer accepting things that had once been acceptable. It started with the seemingly little things and carried over to the monumental things.

I had to clear the path before I could pave it. And now I am in such deep co-creation with the creator I can feel it in every fiber of my being.


Thank you. Thank you. Thank you Matthew.

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Wow Monique! Your share is beautiful... thank you! And ultimately, you're right about clearing the path so you could pave it... and sometimes we're paving and clearing it at the same time. lol

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Feb 14, 2023Liked by Matt Gottesman

So true!! There’s really no separation, everything coexists in this co-creation. There’s a theme here… CO- not alone.

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Not sure where to begin with this one! It’s definitely everything I needed to hear at this point in my journey.


I will absolutely revisit this amazing letter!

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Thank you Letty! This one hit hard for me too... I felt a lot coming through when I wrote it.

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