Are You Working Towards Your Ideal Future Or Someone Else's
...what you came here for is not necessarily what you've been taught
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Nearly 3 years ago I completed an exercise called the Average Perfect Day.
The goal… answer roughly 23 questions that define your day…
from the moment you wake up to what you do for breakfast…
from where you live, the smells in your home and who you spend your time with…
and from what you do for work or your business, to how you spend your afternoons and evenings and more.
On the surface, it seems like a simple exercise… and it is.
But it’s more than that because it’s examining your senses, your vision, your imagination and your soul.
Simple but also highly reflective, introspective and eye-opening.
When we slow down to imagine a life of fulfillment, peace and purpose, it can take a few moments because of all the other stuff we’ve been “taught” to focus on.
On top of that, imagining a life by design comes with an array of thoughts such as…
how will it all come together
is that really possible
what do I really want
am I being “realistic”
what is realistic
The fact is, society is so used to “going, going, going” without really having a direction that slowing down to “ask for directions” seems counterintuitive when it’s one of the exact things you should be doing.
Asking yourself, asking your intuition, asking your soul, asking God.
If it’s one thing I can tell you about doing this Average Perfect Day Exercise, it’s this…
feeling into an ideal life and knowing how I’d like to spend my days brings such immense clarity on what decisions I’m making, how I’m architecting my world and how I’m using my time.
Peace, therefore, is a verb… an act of will and dedication to my life, as well as how it affects others around me and the world as a whole.
An intentional life is what we’re here for… not one on a default setting granted to us by society.
However, I will note that the responsibility is ALL on us as individuals.
We’re here to tap in… to be driven by our uniqueness and diversity of our souls, but that also means we cannot delegate our decision making, God given rights (freedoms), “career” paths or purpose to the external.
Everyone wants freedom but freedom starts at the individual level, not the collective.
So, how do we “architect” our world, understand abundance, create peace within ourselves, navigate creativity and live in the journey not the destination?
I’m sure there are several ways to get there, but here are a few thoughts that might help:
Reverse engineer everything when it comes to your life… work, rest, play, money, creativity, relationships, time, purpose… everything.
You are not behind if you create your own path instead of following everyone else’s… you are the blueprint.
Freedom is a responsibility you want to have especially if you’re clear on what you want to have.
Let’s expand here👇🏼
Reverse Engineer Everything When It Comes To Your Life… Work, Rest, Play, Money, Creativity, Relationships, Time, Purpose
I was forever changed by looking at my life from the future brought present… looking at it through a lens of creation that felt aligned with my soul and living on purpose.
My biggest takeaway… you cannot “reverse engineer” your life unless you have an idea of where it’s going.
And once you have an idea for direction, you can look at the present and see what you need to change in order to get there.
Here’s the beauty in bringing the future to the present… its energy based.
So many people (including my younger self) think they’ll be happy when they achieve their ideal life but they don’t realize you create your ideal lifestyle in real time.
What I mean is, if I know my average perfect day consists of good food, the right relationships, conscious conversations, healthy vibrant living, specific work / business activities, family time and spiritual time, then the choices and schedule I create TODAY should evoke that.
The moment I developed my average perfect day is the moment I changed my entire daily schedule to reflect this lifestyle.
I changed my morning routines.
I evolved my food choices.
I spent more time in movement and exercise.
I woke up earlier (4:30 to 5am).
I started building my business with systems so I can scale my knowledge, time and income.
I scheduled mornings for deep work and creativity and my afternoons with meetups, walks and friendly catchups.
I scheduled my nights with reading, reflection and friends/family.
In essence, from the time I wake up to the time I go to sleep my day is filled with actions and decisions that reflect my “future self” so the outcomes are inevitable because I’m already living them.
The only difference is how my current lifestyle will expand from here.
You Are Not Behind If You Create Your Own Path… You are the Blueprint
A few thoughts to share behind this concept:
There is no need for comparison when no two souls have the same path.
There is no timeframe when you’re creating from your own lane.
Your own path is more work than working for someone else, but you’ll be grateful, resilient, clear and take things less personal.
You can earn your abundance from your gifts, but like any garden, you must plant & cultivate the seeds.
Time moves faster IN YOUR FAVOR when you dedicate all of your energy to your own life instead of spreading yourself too thin amongst everyone else.
What you want is real, but society made a box so you might doubt the reality of your vision. Trust your gut.
A schedule keeps you honest… with your time, with your activities, with your relationships, with your conversations, with your money, with your business and with your vision. As the saying goes, “show me your habits (routines), and I’ll show you your future.” (Mark Batterson)
The only reason others doubt you has nothing to do with your vision. They doubt taking the same risks and trusting their blueprint the way you’re trusting yours.
The industrial age taught everyone to get in line but not how to draw outside the lines. Outside the lines is where innovation, creativity and freedom exist.
You are more than the “system” has in mind for you. Get to work… even if it’s not pretty, get to work.
Freedom is a Responsibility You Want to Have Especially If You’re Clear On What You Want to Have
When we are clear on what we want, we realize it’s not a chore to go after it, but an honor and responsibility… it’s actually fun to be both the canvas and the artist.
We’re born free and then society does a heck of a job trying to direct us into replicated set paths. God doesn’t work like that. Our souls don’t work like that.
But we have to seek clarity to better understand this.
Society, media, schools, organizations, institutions and other external players can cloud our ideas of what we actually want for ourselves.
“Slow down” your daily life so you can seek clarity to create a life instead.
There is so much freedom in making decisions that feel aligned with you and that create direct results you can feel and experience.
Your nervous system becomes calmer, you replace “reactions” with aligned “responses,” you feel control over your schedule, you remove waste and non-essentials and time suddenly feels more lived.
The secret to having freedom is your daily decisions and doing the work that aligns with what a life looks like for you…
but in that responsibility is still work… it can be easy to get riled up over the state of the world because its natural state is chaos.
However, energy you’re exerting towards the unfairness and chaos of the world, can instead be used towards cultivating freedom and peace within yourself… that makes you a pillar of change.
Hence, Gandhi was right… “be the change you wish to see in the world.”
That answer is simple, which is why most still fight the external… because the answer can’t be simple when you’re addicted to the chaos.
Seek the simple and you’ll view your life and the responsibility of your freedom completely different.
Simplify, Multiply, Diversify below…👇🏼
The magic you’re looking for lies in the work you’re avoiding. (Unknown)
Time moves faster IN YOUR FAVOR when you dedicate all of your energy to your own life instead of spreading yourself too thin amongst everyone else.
Defining your average perfect day is not about minimizing yourself to a schedule but maximizing all of the seconds of the day to live a full life.
🧠 Whenever you’re ready, there are 3 ways I can help you:
1. → Subscribe Here (Join 380+ Members) - Weekly texts for the soul… personal growth & fulfillment, health, wealth, happiness and keeping out all the noise
2. → Reverse Engineer Your Life - (Join 150+ Students) Workshop to bring more clarity, streamline your vision, audit your time and create more predictable outcomes/results. (no cost)
3 → Build 1 Thing Community - Live Business & Mindset coaching 4x/mo + tons of free resources to increase productivity within your life and business (online). ($47/mo)
*Bringing your message (passion, professional work, voice, ideas and more) to the world for your business or personal brand can be difficult, unclear or confusing. It doesn’t have to be.
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